Useful information

You can request more information at the Tourist Office of Benavente.

Official tourist guides

The Association of Official Tourist Guides of Zamora can help you in your visit:

Benavente bus station

Vehicle rental: Ventecar

Parking de la Mota

Motorhome parking

It has a gray water drainage area, a sewage drainage area and a drinking water filling point.

Cost: FREE

Post Office

Regional hospital

North Health Center – Specialty Center

Centro de Salud Sur – Emergency Room

Pharmacy Rúa, 20

Pharmacy Dacio

Pharmacy Marta Gil-Cepeda Morán

Pharmacy Maragatos

Farmacia Ldo. Paulino Galván

Farmacia Ldo. Roberto Gil-Cepeda Pérez

Pharmacy Araceli de la Fuente Vega

Pharmacy Nuria Hernández Tesorero

Pharmacy Marina Vicente Cabrera

To keep you informed about available on-call pharmacies, check this link.

Municipal Police

Fire Station

Emergencies: 092